How artificial intelligence is going to change society

Sumit Kataria
4 min readJul 5, 2021


This blog post is about the AI/robot revolution, and how it’s going to change society in many different ways. It also looks at some of the positive and negative impacts that robots have on humans, and what we can do to stay relevant in a future where robots are taking over more jobs.

Why we should be worried

The use of robots has been increasing rapidly in the past few years. In fact, a recent study by Deloitte found that 1/3 of all jobs will be taken over by robots in the next 10–15 years. This is alarming, because if it continues at this rate than more than half of the human workforce could become unemployed. As Elon Musk put it: “There will be fewer and fewer jobs that a robot cannot do better”, and when there are no longer any jobs for humans, society will suffer greatly as a whole.

What happens when people don’t have work? They get depressed, they commit suicide or they turn to drugs and alcohol to cope with their problems.

The benefits of artificial intelligence

The use of AI is also becoming increasingly popular in healthcare. It helps us with diagnosing diseases, predicting risks and improving treatment procedures. One example is IBM’s Watson which can detect cancer better than human doctors . Another research study showed that an AI system trained to diagnose skin disease outperformed expert dermatologists in the comprehensive assessment of melanoma risk factors.

But what about when robots take over human jobs? Well, it may not be all bad news for humans as robots have already shown that they can do many things better than humans (at least in some aspects). They operate faster, and more accurately; they don’t get tired or distracted; they never get bored or make mistakes due to fatigue; and they

The risks of artificial intelligence

One of the main risks from AI that I can think of is that it may become super intelligent and outsmart our control systems. If we create an AI which has a better ability to learn and adapt than any human then what are we going to do when it gets stronger and smarter, possibly even stronger than us? The answer is simple: if a machine is able to think for itself, then at some point it’s going to want independence.

How to prepare for the future with AI

The best thing that we can do right now is to put proper regulations and safety checks in place, so that even if a machine becomes as intelligent and adaptive as humans then at least we have the power to control it. We may be able to avoid some of the negative impacts of AI by being proactive about it, but only time will tell.

What’s next for artificial intelligence?

You’ve got me there! No one really knows where this technology is going. But one thing I’m sure of is that the human workforce is going away soon, and if humans still want to have a job left over in 2 decades then we need to take action now. The robots are coming for our jobs and disrupting society.

Examples of how AI has already changed society

As I’ve just mentioned, AI has already had a big impact on society. One example is autonomous vehicles . Elon Musk predicts that we’ll have driverless taxis and buses in every city by 2020. Another example is the “internet of things” (IoT), which refers to smart devices connected by the internet. An IoT device can be anything from a sensor tracking pollution levels at sea, to an air quality monitor in your bedroom. These devices communicate with each other and are controlled through computer networks, but they’re all around us today — it’s crazy how fast technology advances!

Conclusion and advice for the future

Robots are becoming part of our everyday lives whether we like it or not. It’s important that we get used to it as soon as possible before it becomes twice as hard to adapt. We need to start training our younger generations from a young age about what technological advancements mean for us, and how we can use them positively in the future.

The value of human jobs

I predict that in 20 years time, there will still be a need for some type of sales representative or customer service agent role like this one today. But I also think those roles will be very different from what we imagine now. So why am I so sure about this? It’s because humans have an edge over machines in some aspects.

Predictions about what might happen in the future with AI

I predict that in 20 years time, humans will continue to have jobs but the way we work will change a lot. Jobs might become more about being creative and strategic thinkers because machines don’t have those skills. I also think our jobs won’t be as physically demanding because robots are going to do most of the hard work for us. A prime example is how driverless cars reduce accident rates due to human error; once they’re on the roads, millions of human lives could potentially be saved annually simply by removing accidents from the equation!

In summary, AI has already changed society and it’s going to change even more in the future.



Sumit Kataria

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